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Web solutions for food and frozen


In Bonaval as web specialist company in the city of Vigo, are no strangers to the power of the Internet in the field of frozen food. The city of Vigo is a benchmark in Wholesalers, Importers, Manufacturers and Exporters of products from the sea, in the frozen and Fisheries and Aquaculture, and intend Bonaval serve as auxiliary company in this sector Internet.

We believe that our solution can help address the challenge of solving the uneven modernization process between the frozen heart of the business and its online presence.

We believe we can improve the website of companies and frozen food in mobility issues, standardization and marketing on line, so we launched a web portal technology, aimed especially including:


  • A conception of website aimed specifically at food and frozen, especially oriented to import-export companies of seafood, wholesalers, manufacturers and distributors of frozen food.
  • A website that allows simple but advanced management of product catalogs.
  • Chance of multilanguage and design to the letter of the international visibility of the company web if needed.
  • An advanced system integration of the company's website in the major mapping systems, and in particular, in Google Maps.
  • Web accessible from all types of browsers.
  • Web interfaces that allow visibility of the website of the company in all kinds of devices (PC, Mac, graphics tablets, Ipad, and smartphones like iPhone, Android, Blackberry and others.)
  • Exclusive techniques to take advantage of the company's search engine optimization and web semantics.
  • Systems can incorporate online sales, or wholesale direct to the company website.
  • Flexibility: ability to integrate the design of this website, and / or management applications (ERP and CRMs-Libra, Infohand, Sugar ... and others)


We think that a careful Internet visibility, and the response to the phenomenon of mobility is a necessity today, one in five Internet access is through mobile and contemplate these circumstances may give advantages over the competition.

We believe we can offer a quality-price ratios without competition. We have solutions from 1,500 euros up to where you want to get under objectives.

If you are interested in this space modernize your company, please contact us. We offer an ICT consulting your website and give you free advice and no obligation quote.