Mobility: webs & apps
We are one of the few companies in Galicia, which have a dedicated server for sending SMS, and our curriculum about mobility starts very soon and in 2004 we made our first applications and the following year we prepare a R + D + i Atento, PGDIT project 2005. (DOG 23/02/05) System online customer
With respect to telephony and mobility among other projects highlights the launch of 118 Voz de Galicia, the PBX service and mobile messaging Sondaxe - GROUP VOZ, and a unified messaging system (sms, mail, rss) for the Presidencia de la Xunta with Telefónica, the latter as implementing a solution based on our R + D project
We also quickly incorporate the use of mobile applications with database. We conducted a portal to mobile audiences now in its third version, BLV mobile, and various mobile web site for some complexity in areas such as tourism, or electronic sales ( having the distinction of being compatible with almost all mobile browsers and smartphones (iphone, android, windows mobile...).