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Turgalicia presents the application of Pension created by Bonaval

Turgalicia and INE consider the application developed by Multimedia Bonaval a pioneering statewide Spanish.

With the presence of Xeral Secretary for Tourism of the Xunta (Regional Government), Carmen Pardo, and Secretary General Statistics of the Company National Statistics Institute, Elena Rosa Pérez, was filed ERP Management Small hotels that has made by Bonaval commissioned by the Institute of Tourism Studies of Galicia, recently taken over by Turgalicia.

As a company specializing in tourism, we welcomed the statement by the representative of the INE, Elena Rosa Pérez, which highlighted his character of “pioneering project in the State” and the fact that the software, made under the system of free software licenses, are distributed in major cities across the groups Galician tourist sector can learn to use it and apply it in their business.

Conceived as a tool for people with limited computer knowledge, very usable, and aimed at a specific target group of hospitality companies of small size, this application created by Bonaval, will, in the words of Carmen Pardo, hotel owners “have a management system without making a financial outlay because it requires no licensing fees and no restrictions for editing, because it is an open source system that allows the landlord to adapt the device to the specific needs of your company".

In addition, report Turgalicia, is an OS-independent code that allows the management of the entire life cycle of the reservation, since the customer calls until the final billing. "It's simple, fast and intuitive to use, which is learned at once, and facilitates coordination with different entities and statistical", added the Galician agency.

Link to the news in Turgalicia.