Bonaval prepares its programme of tourist management under GPLv3
The application of tourism management developed entirely in Bonaval Multimedia for managing pensions Galicia for order of the Instituto de Estudios Turísticos de Galicia, being documented this one now to prepare his distribution worldwide under the terms of the license GPLv3 of " Free Software Foundation ".
Conceived as a mini server, this application, which can be downloaded or copied to your computer, practically does not require installation, so much so that you can run not only on the computer but can work with her on drives or pen drives.
The management software has a friendly and simple interface, which has almost all the features of complex applications ERP of hotel, but try to operate in a more simple and intuitive. It aims to simplify the work and aims to everyday work of small establishments, where the technological level of its operators, correspond with people who do not have great computer skills.
The application allows you to customize and add room rates of any type of accommodation to power the host, the application adapt to the peculiarities of its establishment, both in number and characteristics of their rooms and the types of regime.
Similarly, to manage reservations, room block, control check in the check-out travelers, quickly protect the status of your property using different status views, booking style, type sheet, that incorporate or give low reserves quick and simple way, and issue bills, customer spending control, etc ...
Besides the usual features in these applications, the software has some advantages Bonaval singularise adapting it to our market, as it not only facilitates the regular work of any small hotel or pension, but also automatically handles some things they are real headache for small establishments, which are legally enforceable as INE reports like monthly - XML - ARCE.ES, the weekly PDF / HTML) and the chips that are to be delivered daily the National Police, Report MI (daily / police).