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25 años creando...

Cuando algo crece, uno se siente orgulloso si es partícipe de dicho crecimiento.

Allá en el “milenio pasado”, hace 25 años, nacía una empresa que visionaba un futuro cambiante y que quería ser parte de dicho cambio. Constituida como de las primeras empresas tecnológicas gallegas, apostaba por los nuevos soportes digitales, editando y creando los primeros DVDs comerciales y por los nuevos medios de comunicación creando las primeras aplicaciones web y trasladando contenidos de televisión a internet. Recordamos con cariño aquellos inicios donde pudimos expandir aquel programa de RTVE “Desde Galicia para el mundo” realmente a todo el mundo gracias a la nueva red.

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Puerta de Colonia de Sacramento, Uruguay

Bonaval camino de las Américas, destino Uruguay

Uruguay nos abre sus puertas.

Con estos titulares al puro estilo de nuestro querido programa Galicia para el Mundo, presentamos este artículo.

Bonaval despega hoy su nueva trayectoria en el mundo de la internacionalización de la mano de amigos y hermanos de Uruguay.

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Get a Free eBook Copy for the review of 'Joomla! Search Engine Optimization' book.

To know more about the book visit this link, Get a free eBook Copy and in exchange post a review for this book within a week on your blog/website (if you have any) or on and on any other consumer website. Site builders, Webmasters and Site owners interested in implementing WordPress can get their hands on this free eBook. Interested reviewers can contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the subject being the 'Joomla! Search Engine Optimization'. Note: Only the first 10 emails would be given preference.

Turgalicia presents the application of Pension created by Bonaval

Turgalicia and INE consider the application developed by Multimedia Bonaval a pioneering statewide Spanish.

With the presence of Xeral Secretary for Tourism of the Xunta (Regional Government), Carmen Pardo, and Secretary General Statistics of the Company National Statistics Institute, Elena Rosa Pérez, was filed ERP Management Small hotels that has made by Bonaval commissioned by the Institute of Tourism Studies of Galicia, recently taken over by Turgalicia.

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Bonaval debuts new face

WWW.BONAVAL.COM - developed with html5 y css3.Bonavalunveils its new virtual facade. After our latest developments and experience in new technologies we have decided that our main letter on the Internet is a reflection of these new capabilities, so we are pleased to present the design of our new website: We beseech you excuses the provisionality of our site, because we are still in the works, but we hope you like the new approach to design, which we define as clean, simple and effective.

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New corporate website of Barlovento Comunicación

New website developed in Joomla CMS last generation

New corporate website of Barlovento ComunicaciónBarlovento Comunicación presents its new website. Barlovento Comunicación is a visual audio consultant specializing in strategy, integrated marketing and communication, with a focus on the analysis of the TV market and audience.

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Bonaval prepares its programme of tourist management under GPLv3

Gpl-v3The application of tourism management developed entirely in Bonaval Multimedia for managing pensions Galicia for order of the Instituto de Estudios Turísticos de Galicia, being documented this one now to prepare his distribution worldwide under the terms of the license GPLv3 of " Free Software Foundation ".
Conceived as a mini server, this application, which can be downloaded or copied to your computer, practically does not require installation, so much so that you can run not only on the computer but can work with her on drives or pen drives.

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Galicia para el mundo premieres its website for mobile devices

Galicia para el mundo in your mobile

Mobile Web Application of Galicia para el mundoIt opens the mobile version of the well known and international web portal Galicia para el Mundo. Weekly publication of videos of television program produced by Pórtico Audiovisuales and distributed by TVE Internacional, arriving with strong impact to Latin American countries, reaches a high number of visits every week.

The mobile portal is designed as a web application and iPhone style interface adapts contents as the query device, allowing almost 100% compatibility for viewing videos published weekly. It also allows easy sharing by publishing tool in social networks.

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Bonaval strengthens your resume with ITIL V3 Foundations certification

Diagram ITIL3 - continual service improvementThe quality manager and IT manager Bonaval Multimedia, is certified in the prestigious Information Technology Infrastructure Library, ITIL acquiring the skills to develop their service management information technology through the concepts and best practices in ITIL marked. ITIL Service Management is now integrated into the ISO 20000 standard, a standard that won last 2010 Bonaval Multimedia .

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Horario de verano de atención al cliente de Bonaval de 9:00 a 15:00 horas


Bonaval es una empresa que pretende mejorar día a día, y mejorar en todos los aspectos. Con los recientes cambios en nuestra  infraestructura y relaciones que han supuesto un esfuerzo muy grande por nuestra parte hemos decidido adecuarnos a los estándares de servicio europeos, sin descuidar a nuestros clientes. Por ello, y en correspondencia, con la menor necesidad de soporte de nuestro clientes debido al período estival  hemos decidido implantar desde el 15 de Julio hasta el 15 de Septiembre un horario de 9.00 a 15 horas y de jornada contínua en nuestras líneas de negocio como proveedores y soporte técnico especializado.

A nuestros clientes sólo nos queda deciros que podéis contactar con nosotros siempre que lo necesitéis a través de los medios dispuestos en nuestras políticas de comunicación establecidos personalmente con vosotros. En Bonaval nuestro mayor interés hacia vosotros es un trato directo, personal y humano.

New trading platform tourist city of Pontevedra

Pontevedra Hotels Online

Pontevedra Hotels OnlineVisit-Pontevedra has implemented in its web from April 1 a tool to help users to know the offer of hotels of the city, in particular the availability and prices of hotels in real time, providing also the first contact through a form directly between you and the hotel.

This tool like the whole web have been developed by Bonaval Multimedia, which took several deep inroads in the development of the tourism sector, with applications, websites and video editing and production.

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